Review of iPhone 12 Pro noname version posted online

Подделка iPhone 12 появилась в сети

Since smartphones with the “apple” logo are popular all over the world, many gadget manufacturers copy something from the iPhone and demonstrate it in their smartphones. But in this case, an unknown company played ahead of the curve and released a clone of the iPhone 12 Pro before the official release of the phone from Apple. As soon as the clone appears on the market, a review of the iPhone 12 Pro noname version is immediately posted on the network.

Since “rumor has it” that the iPhones 12 will not have a charger and headphones included, what a surprise it was for the blogger that he found the adapter and headphones when unpacking the fake. Most likely, the leak about components leaked after the equipment was approved for noname smartphones. The author of the video declares that despite the flat edges, the gadget does not create discomfort when using.

Smartphone complete set:

  1. Display with noticeably low brightness and poor sensor response
  2. The front panel is equipped with a wide chin;
  3. 3 of the 4 sensors in the main camera turned out to be a simple dummy.

Game performance left a lot to be desired. According to the hardware test using GeekBench, it was possible to identify the power of this device. It is comparable to the original iPhone 6s.

It is noteworthy that although the price of such a device is about $ 140, the author of the video recommends not purchasing this device in order to save nerves for yourself and those around you.

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