Telegram for iOS has a video call function

В Telegram для iOS появилась функция видеозвонков

Telegram for iOS has a video calling function, but it is still in test mode. IPhone and iPad owners can try this option by pre-configuring Telegram. Information about this possibility of Telegram is not an insider. The publication Code Durov wrote about this.

To activate the video calls option in test mode, you need:

  • update to the latest browser version in the App Store;
  • in the application itself, click on the settings icon ten times to activate the Debug menu;
  • enable the Experimental Feature option in this menu;
  • go to your account, pull the avatar and implement the video call option.

It is important that your interlocutor implements exactly the same operation, otherwise pairing the long-awaited video call will be impossible.

Video calls are the main, but not the only change in this update. A number of changes affected the following parameters:

  • it became possible to install a video avatar instead of the usual static picture;
  • the “People” section has undergone changes, since it became possible to see at what distance the interlocutor is located from you;
  • owners of groups from half a thousand members can see detailed statistics;
  • the volume of files sent using the messenger increased to 2 GB (was 1.5 GB).

Last year, the Durov Code edition wrote about the change in Telegram’s privacy policy. Now the messenger can transmit to the special services data on people suspected of terrorism, if a court order has been received for this. Also, on 06/18/2020 Roskomnadzor decided to unblock Telegram in Russia. In the official statement of the RKN, the reason for the unblocking of Telegram is called “coordination with the General Prosecutor’s Office of the Russian Federation.”

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