Video manager for the site – a new development of Garpix engineers

Видео-менеджер для сайта

Russian IT-company Garpix has presented a new development – Video manager for the site. A simple name hides a whole system that allows, according to its creators, to take marketing strategies and sales levels to a new level in completely different business sectors.

How a video manager works?

The video manager is integrated into any site and is available to users from the desired page. To communicate with a potential client, operators need the Internet, a computer (or mobile device) and a messenger.

In order to contact the operator, visitors do not need to register or even dial a number.

Unlike using a regular connection, when using a Video Manager, companies pay not for the minutes of the call, but for the number of operators connected to the system. There is no time limit or number of sessions. A video manager suits the specifics, goals and expected results of any business. Whatever one may say, it is convenient.

Why is a video manager for a website better than just a call?

Видео-менеджер для сайта

Videos are a great marketing and sales tool. This opinion is shared by thousands of experts around the world. From 64 to 85% of customers are inclined to purchase a product after a video consultation. 72% of ad agencies say video is even more effective than TV ad.

These two facts suggest that video must be used in sales. However, the video manager can only be used in audio format if desired. Depending on the specifics of the business, you can customize the service in accordance with the request of a specific line of business.

The video manager has a wide range of applications: there is not a single industry where this tool could not be used. Before the launch of the service, a global test took place, in which representatives of various business areas took part.

So, Ksenia Ivanskaya, a marketer of the Renault auto technical center, where the Video Manager was tested, noted:

«The use of the service is fully applicable for their sphere, because often the client cannot spend time looking at all the options for cars, and it is always important to discuss the details even before arriving at the dealership.»

The website of the RIMI furniture factory in the capital has published a spectacular catalog made by professional photographers and designers.

But often buyers, after looking at the photographs, wonder: does the real product correspond to them, sometimes they have questions about the quality of materials, sizes of products and much more.

«During the testing of the Video Manager, we made sure that all questions were removed by a video consultation. It is she who helps to choose the right option, to make sure of the quality. Potential buyers can directly on our website make a video call to the operator – see any product, compare their ideas with reality, discuss details»

This is Natalia Kalacheva, director of marketing and advertising at the RIMI factory.

Large-scale testing of the service has been completed. The video manager walks all over the communications technology market. Nevertheless, any company can try it for free: the test period is 14 days, and if necessary, the testing period can be extended.

Get it for free

According to the developers, the creation of the service was not spontaneous; it was preceded by a serious analytical study that revealed the shortcomings of existing sales methods. The appearance of the Video Manager turned out to be timely, when in March 2020 many had to transfer their business to the Internet space.

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4 years ago
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Интересная вещь! Почему бы и не попробовать

Константин Советник
Константин Советник
4 years ago
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Вещь интересная. Но на сайте требуют оставить свои данные. А че нельзя как то зарегистрироваться и протестировать?

Константин Советник
Константин Советник
4 years ago
Reply to  Pavel

Понятно. но я лучше подожду когда регистрироваться можно будет

Елена Дмитриева
Елена Дмитриева
4 years ago
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Новость интересная. Но непонятно, чем такой менеджер лучше чем живо? Да и клиент не каждый захочет показать себя на экране))))))

Елена Дмитриева
Елена Дмитриева
4 years ago
Reply to  Pavel

Ну да, посмотрела на сайте) Заманчиво, возможно стоит попробовать. Раз уж бесплатно…

4 years ago
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Как стремительно развивается маркетинг. Каждый день что-то новое! Я не давно только Quiz сайты освоил, а теперь и видео менеджер появился. Пока непонятно особо чем это хорошо и чего там есть. Но сама идея нравится. Удачи в развитии разрабам!

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