Quiz marketing: creating a calculation form for cleaning premises

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As a rule, customers value their time and budget, so they are only interested in the most important information about services and prices. Not finding this, they immediately leave the site. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary not only to acquaint the client with your services, but also to make it as simple, concise and informative as possible. Not everyone succeeds in doing this, and many entrepreneurs do not want to disclose the cost of services on their website at all until they receive the client’s contacts. So it turns out a vicious circle. The way out of this situation is simple: entrepreneurs need to reconsider their views on the provision of services.

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If the company’s services do not require an individual calculation for each client, then it is worth showing the cost of services. Many do not show for the reason: “so that competitors do not know.” Even if they recognize her, what next? Afraid that they will make it lower?

Low price is not always a selection criterion for customers. After all, the cost is not always responsible for the quality of services. And too cheap services may cause the client to suspect that “the quality of services is probably not very good, since it is so cheap.” So, everything is individual.

Not every client will look for the cost on the site if he does not find it the first time, and even more so contact and waste time on empty conversations. While you hide the prices, your competitors put the price list in the most prominent place and after finding out the cost of services, customers are more likely to go to them.

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It’s another matter when the cost of services is individual for each client and requires calculation every time. But in any case, here you can use calculation forms or online calculators. The client comes to the site with such a calculator, which describes your services, selects specific criteria individually for himself and receives the total cost.

As a result, the client is satisfied that he received information about the services and found out the cost, and you, in turn, did not let the client go to the competitors’ website. And if you still do not want to show the price, then in such a calculator you can ask the client to leave contacts and send the calculation results by mail.

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Another great way to get a client interested, familiarize him with your services and prices, is to use quizzes. Quizs differ from regular order forms in that, by and large, these are step-by-step surveys and quizzes. They help to familiarize customers with a service, product or brand.

A step-by-step walkthrough allows you to involve in the process and bring the client to filling out a form with contact information. In order for the client to leave contacts, you should tell why he should do it. For example, you send him a quote or a custom selection of a catalog. To motivate you, you need to offer a discount or bonus for passing. The main thing is that each question of the quiz helps the clients to decide on the choice of services, be complex and interesting. As a result, quotas can be combined with a regular contact collection form and a calculator for calculating the cost of services.

To make it clear what a quiz is, let’s create it. The stepFORM constructor can be used as a tool. It has all the features you need for walkthrough tests, forms and calculators. With its help, we will create a cleaning quiz that can be installed on the website, landing page, and also used in social networks.

The content of the form will consist of the following elements:

  • start page with a welcome title, image and a button to start testing;
  • questions with single or multiple choice, fields, drop-down lists and any other widgets you wish;
  • motivational elements: discount or bonus;
  • page with a form for entering contact information;
  • the final page with congratulations on the successful completion;

The initial screen should give the client information about the services and be interested in going through the quiz:

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Each next page will contain one question. On the second page, we will post a question about choosing a room where you need to clean:

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As you noticed, this is a one-choice question. Next, the client needs to choose the type of cleaning:

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For additional services, where you can choose several answer options in a question, we use multiple choice:

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On the next screen, add a slider to indicate the total area of the room:

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To indicate special wishes, you can use a multi-line field:

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On the next page, we’ll add a form to collect contacts. To do this, we will place a field for the client’s name and his mail:

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On the same page we will place motivational elements, namely, we will provide a 15% discount on services. Thus, the client will not leave the quiz and we will be able to contact him.

To make it not just a quiz with a form, but also a calculator, you should add a special formula widget and set up the necessary calculations:

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You can configure sending to email or sms in the form settings

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And also the cost can be simply sent to the client by email by setting up the letter template:

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The most recent and final page will contain information that the test has been successfully passed and the results have been sent to the client:

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Quiz was created and this process did not take us much time. It doesn’t matter what kind of business or website you have, you can build even better yourself. One has only to remember that the main thing is to know your target client and be able to work with him.

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