We present to your attention the newest online manager for consulting clients and conducting negotiations directly on the site, called – Garpix Video Manager. The service was created by the Russian IT company Garpix. According to the developers, it can completely replace the use of federal numbers 8-800 and even surpass telephony due to additional capabilities, efficiency and screen sharing function. We will analyze in detail how an online manager works and who is suitable for. Read to the end, below there will be a link to the video manager test service.
What the new online manager looks like in video format
The new online manager is essentially a video manager that integrates into any page of the site and is a widget that does not distract visitors from their main goals.
The principle is fundamentally different from the method of pop-ups and consulting via chatbots. No intrusive services. No empty comments.
By clicking on the widget icon, the user can contact the operator in two clicks. Thus, he himself determines the need for video consulting and communication time.
How an online website manager works
This online manager allows the client to contact a video communication consultant directly on the website. To work with the tool, company employees need to select the pages on which the online manager will be located. These can be some specific sections (for example, a product catalog) or all pages of the site – the price will not change from this.
All that operators need to communicate with potential customers is the Internet, a computer or a mobile device and an installed messenger.
The user’s call from the site immediately goes to the operator. In the event that the issue is beyond the competence of a specialist, the call can be redirected to another operator. The service can also connect several employees to a conversation.
The online manager has a screen sharing function, which allows you to implement the service in those areas where customers are offered services and technical support.
Online manager – personal account
A video manager is not just a service for communication between an operator and customers, but a whole set of tools that involve complex solutions and all kinds of integrations. So, the developers have provided for the possibility of connecting personal accounts.
The client can not only make calls, but also track the information he needs. A personal account when using an online manager is an ideal solution for b2b and b2c. Connecting to the system of personal accounts is especially important for the business sector, where clients are large companies and corporations.
When you connect it, you can track the status of users and specific operations on the site, as well as collect data into the database. All operations performed, correspondence with the operator, call records, purchase statuses and much more are displayed in the personal account.
The user can always review or re-listen to his conversation – thus the terms of the transaction or sale and purchase are clearly recorded, which is convenient for both parties.
Automation and digitalization of business processes
By creating new digital tools for customer interaction, you can fundamentally change the way you work with customers and how you interact with employees. A video manager is an excellent assistant in the automation and digitalization of business processes.
The implementation of the service allows you to analyze the customer base, correctly distribute tasks and allows you to track the status of orders and purchases. Now digitalization of business processes is a priority for many companies.
So, with the help of various video manager tools, you can reduce the employment of employees, avoid product returns, and increase customer loyalty.
For example, in the personal account, the user can track applications, which significantly reduces the load on the operator. And also the system contains complete information about the client base, allows you to store information about goods and form a complete list of the needs of each client. This saves time and money.
Online manager for the site has a full CRM system
The best way to properly build a relationship with a client and organize a workflow is to create a CRM system. The video manager also assumes the introduction of work with an internal CRM system.
All requests that come from site users are divided into several categories in the service account. They have several options for the status “On moderation”, “Done”, “Refused”, “Prepayment”, etc.
This tool allows you to systematize all requests received by the company and involves tracking task statuses through your personal account.
Enterprise resource planning, competent task setting and a clear distribution of responsibilities between employees with the help of a video manager allows you to accurately predict working hours, track schedules, set goals and control the workflow.
Such a system can be implemented on any resource and tasks can be distributed among employees immediately after users contact through a video manager.
Thanks to this system, it is possible to control the relationship with customers, which is very important for any business. In the ERP system of the video manager, operators have access to all the necessary documentation for projects and goods – briefs, technical specifications, tables and graphs.
Another ironclad argument in favor of a management system is the preservation of all necessary information. Even if one or another employee leaves the company, the entire client base will not leave with him, but will remain in the ERP and CRM systems.
Thus, the video manager allows you to collect all the accumulated experience of the enterprise, as well as analyze the customer base and sales experience.
Why is the focus on video in the new online manager?
Video tools have long proven themselves in marketing and sales. It is better to show the product once than to tell about it a hundred times. And it’s not even about the time spent (although it is also about it). You can talk as much as you like about the merits of the product you are selling, but what’s the point: if the client forms his own expectations and ideas about him. And these ideas may not always coincide with reality.
Text descriptions and photos will not convey the exact characteristics – real size, colors and shades, functionality. Video previews increase customer loyalty and avoid product returns.
The use of video is also used in production. So, with the help of a video manager, specialists can conduct internal consultations for their colleagues on the assembly and maintenance of machines and machine tools. Primary flaw detection by video allows for diagnostics, which helps to avoid premature equipment failure.
With the help of video, technical support of customers can be carried out more efficiently and quickly due to the function of screen sharing.
What if you only need audio?
The video manager can also be used in audio format. This is convenient because not all users and potential clients are ready to communicate via video communication.
The video manager can be customized depending on the needs of the company and on targeting the target audience – connect a video or audio format, as well as a set of tools.
Where is the online manager used?
The video manager is designed so that it can easily adapt to the specifics of any business. The tool is universal: there is no fundamental difference in which area and in which direction it will be applied. The principle is the same everywhere.
The video manager has already been successfully applied in these areas:
– Medical services and veterinary medicine (telemedicine)
– Online training
– Retail and wholesales
– Real estate and cars
– Technical support
– Finance and insurance
– Metallurgy
– Restaurants
– Book publishing
– Furniture manufacturing
– Logistics
– Audit and Consulting
Online manager for the site: price and rates
Users and potential customers are provided with a free trial period for two weeks, which, if necessary, can be extended depending on the specifics of a particular business.
If you haven’t figured out if you need a service, the developers can extend the test usage for a reasonable amount of time.
The tariff scale is formed taking into account the number of operators who connect to work in the service. So, a starter package can be issued for 940 rubles per month – representatives of a small business can consider this option for themselves, where one specialist will answer user requests.
The site presents tariffs for small, medium and large businesses. Individual connection of the service with an unlimited number of operators is possible.
Discovered pluses:
- The ability to demonstrate the benefits of goods and services using video communication.
- Screen sharing function – you can show the screen of both the user and the operator.
- Unobtrusiveness. No pop-ups and chatbots.
- The ability to connect multiple operators and forward questions to other specialists.
- Ease of use – site visitors do not need to register, dial numbers and use third-party programs.
- The video manager is available from all types of devices – convenient from both a desktop computer and a mobile phone.
- Low prices in comparison with other communication methods and telephony.
Discovered cons:
- An additional load on a full-time responsible employee of the company or the need to attract new specialists, an
- incompletely formed general system of motivation for such employees.
- Potential connection problems with poor internet connection.
- The manager is busy at the time of the video call. This problem is especially true for a starter tariff with one operator.
A few words about uniqueness and competitors
Despite the fact that video is widely used in sales and management, and many developers tend to use it in their projects, we can talk about the uniqueness of Garpix’s Video Manager.
Unlike competitors’ developments, the service is universal and can be adapted absolutely for any business. If competitors offer a completely finished product that the business must adapt to, then here the opposite is true. The video manager himself adapts to a particular company and specific business processes.
Let’s sum up
The Video Manager service, developed by Russian IT specialists Garpix, certainly deserves attention. Free testing (14 days) allows you to understand whether a particular business needs a service. It can be used both in video or audio format, and in complex.
The service is installed free of charge: the video manager is integrated into the site, from where the user can contact the specialists at a convenient time for him. Tariffs are formed taking into account the number of specialists who can be connected to work – this allows you not to overpay and choose a tariff taking into account the goals of the company and the specifics of the target audience.
Call forwarding between specialists helps to correctly distribute customer requests and promptly answer questions
The video manager is versatile, suitable for any business, has a flexible system that can adapt to the goals of the customer.
Especially for the readers of our magazine, we contacted representatives of the startup and asked to expand the test version. You can use the professional version for free not 14, but 30 days!
*inform the support service with the promotional code “PClegko” to receive an extended test period.