How do I find the Windows 10 key in the licensed version? Working ways

Как найти ключ Windows 10 в лицензионной версии? Решено 100%

The question of how to find the Windows 10 key is relevant for everyone who uses a copy of the operating system or purchased a computer with a pre-installed OS. In these cases, activating Windows 10 using a special code combination is not required.

The key may be required to perform other operations, for example, when transferring an operating system to another computer or when creating an installation disc. Therefore, we will consider the procedure for determining the license key using standard Windows tools and third-party tools.

Product ID and Product Key: what are the differences?

Ключ и продукта и ключ установки

First of all, you need to take into account the fact that several types of keys are used to identify or perform operations with Windows 10. There are a number of differences between them that every user must take into account.

You can find the following types of keys:

  1. Product ID (PID). Product identifier, which is a 20-character combination. Such a key contains information about the assembly of the software product or its specific version.
  2. The Product Key or Installation Key is a 25-character code combination that is used to activate the operating system after installing it from a disc or after upgrading from an earlier version of Windows.

In most cases, users who are interested in how to find the Windows 10 license key, that is, the Windows 10 product key. This code combination can be used not only when installing the OS on a computer, but also when performing other operations. Product ID is not requested upon activation.

Many people confuse Product ID and Product Key. They look through the properties “This computer” information about the state of the system and see the following:

Product ID

The inscription “Activation completed” and below the “Product Code”. But this code is NOT a Windows 10 key. If you look closely, it is 20 characters long. That is, we see the product ID that is not responsible for activating Windows 10.

Where can I find my Windows 10 key?

There are several options for determining the code combination. Therefore, having understood the basic concepts and basic differences, you can easily find the product key in licensed Windows 10.

The location of the required combination varies depending on how the operating system was installed on the computer. If you used a digital license during activation, you do not need to enter a product key.

If Windows 10 was installed on a new computer or laptop upon purchase, then the key must be indicated on the packaging or on the certification document that came with the device. For protection, the combination is covered with a layer of protective material, which must be carefully wiped off with the edge of the coin.

If the user purchased a licensed copy of the operating system from a retail store, the key is indicated on a sticker on the box. Also, the combination can be contained on a separate card, which is placed inside the package.

When purchasing a digital copy from Microsoft or from a retailer, the purchaser must provide a confirmation letter. In addition to basic product information, it contains the Windows 10 key.

How do I find my Windows 10 key? Instructions

Cases where the user does not have direct access to data about the operating system are quite common. Therefore, considering where to find the Windows 10 key, it is worth familiarizing yourself with additional methods that involve using the software components of your computer.

The OEM KEY for the current version of Windows 10 can be determined using a simple command. You need to enter it into the command line and then copy the resulting key from the console.

The procedure is as follows:

  1. We start the search in Windows, enter the query “Command line”, launch CMD. If there are several users on the computer, run as administrator. An alternative option is the Win + R shortcut command. The Run panel appears on the screen. In the line you need to enter CMD and click “OK”. The result will be the same as with the first option – the command line will start.

Как найти ключ Windows 10

  1. We enter the command wmic path softwаrelicensinqservice qet ОАЗxОriginаlProductКey. Press the “Enter” key. This will display the product key. After copying or rewriting the combination, you must exit the command line.

Как найти ключ Windows 10

It should be borne in mind that this method is not universal. It so happens that there is no information about the initial version of Windows used. In this case, the command will be executed, but the line in which the key should be specified will remain empty.

Since it is not always possible to find the Windows 10 product key through the command line, you can use another tool – PowerShell. In fact, this is an extended version of the command line that is used by developers and other specialists to configure and other manipulations with the operating system.

The algorithm of actions is almost identical. You need to start Windows PowerShell through a search in the system and enter the command (Get-WmiObject -query “select * from SoftwareLicensingService”). The code must be entered in brackets, otherwise an error will occur. If entered correctly, after pressing Enter, the Product Key will be displayed on the screen. As in the case of CMD, in some situations the shell may not reflect system information, which most often happens when using an unlicensed version of the software.

Как найти ключ Windows 10

Having determined where to find the Windows 10 activation key, it should be noted that it is not necessary to use only standard tools for this. There are special utilities with which you can get detailed information about the operating system, including product and installation keys, OEM Key, and other data.

One of the most popular utilities is Produkey. With its help, you can quickly obtain a product key, copy it or save it to a file. The program is distributed free of charge on the official website of the developer. It is enough to download the archive with the application to your computer, unpack the files and run the utility. Immediately after that, the screen will display the current version, OEM Key and Product ID.

By the way, using this program, you can get code combinations not only from the operating system. The program interacts with almost all software products developed by Microsoft.

Как найти ключ Windows 10

An alternative option is the ShowKeyPlus program. The latest version of the utility is freely available on GitHub. The principle of working with this application is the same as with the previous one. After downloading, you need to unpack the archive and run the program. A complete list of keys will appear in the window, including OEM Key, Product ID, Product key.

Как найти ключ Windows 10


The third utility for determining the key is Magical Jelly Bean Keyfinder. This is a free program with identical functionality. The peculiarity of the utility is that it is able to determine the key not only from the installed version of Windows. The application can extract code values ​​from a downloaded ISO image or from the media on which the installation file is written.

To obtain the necessary data, it is enough to download the application from the developer’s website and install it on a PC. It is not recommended to download the utility from other sources to eliminate the risk of malware getting onto your computer. When launched, the application window will display information about the OS version and a set of keys. If necessary, they can be saved to a separate file in one click. Besides Windows, the utility can be used for other software products.

Как найти ключ Windows 10

What to do if Windows 10 key is not found?

Under certain conditions, it may be necessary to reactivate Windows even if the operating system was previously stable and did not ask for a product key. Users who have updated an earlier version of the OS to Windows 10 may face such a problem. Also, those who changed the hardware components of the PC to new ones are likely to encounter reactivation. Although in practice this happens very rarely.

For standard activation, you must enter your product key. The ways to find out the Product Key have been described above. But if for some reason it was not possible to find out the required combination of symbols, you can use an alternative method – a digital license.

It is used if a copy of Windows 10 is installed on the computer, obtained as a result of copying from another device or downloading from official and unofficial sources. Also, digital permission is used for activation if the operating system was obtained as a result of updating an old version.

You can purchase a license from the official Microsoft Store. To do this, go to the “Start” menu, go to “Settings” and select “Activation” in the “Updates and Security” section. With a license, you can activate without using a product key.

How to never lose your Windows 10 product key?

Finding your Windows 10 product key is a hot issue for many users. There are several ways to find the code combination. It depends on how the operating system was obtained.

When buying an operating system from a seller or in an official Microsoft store, the key is indicated on the box or in the card that is attached to the set with the main documentation. If Windows was installed by a computer manufacturer, the product code must be located on the laptop or personal computer case.

To avoid losing your product key, you need to set up an account with Microsoft:

настроить учетную запись в Microsoft

After creating it, you need to sync your Microsoft account with your computer. To do this, go to Settings -> Accounts -> Synchronize your settings.

Синхронизация учетной записи майкрософт

This way, your license data will be saved. This is very handy if you are reinstalling the system. During the installation of Windows 10, you will have the option to use a Microsoft account to activate Windows 10.

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